Join us for the launch of the new Pete Kennedy Exhibition at the HAHC on Thursday 3rd Feb (7pm). Pete will be performing live to kick start the event with some performance art.
Since 1968 I would begin with a blank piece of paper
To create images in a variety of ways
As an artist
I create something from nothing
Emulating the Zen Masters’
Poems drawing and calligraphy
Transforming my plastic art
From the page into movement
In my Performance Art
What you may ask is Performance Art
It can be anything
Some people like Internationally recognised
Italians Franko B and Andrea Pagnes
Sometimes do extreme pieces
Like walking on broken glass
I don’t do that
I like to have fun and draw the audience in
My Performance Art brings my ‘art’ right up to this moment in front of the audience; this small extract from a conversation between Franko B and Andrea Pagnes gives some insight into why we ‘perform’
“To remember is like dancing between Truth, Myth-making and Forgetfulness it is also art & craft in a certain way to delve deep into the psyche to dust off distant memories to give them new life.
Artists, poets, writers share their stories and insights to make sense of the world, the transience of precarious human existence. Find new meaning to the ephemeral, the tragic & the joyful.
Art springs from lived experience and that’s why artists are so essential for they are the chroniclers of the time.”
Pete Kennedy